Wednesday, August 25, 2010

growing and growing and growing

So, speaking of all things growing...

Oh. my. gosh.

my workload is GROWING. I'm daily adding to commissions, art shows, art classes, and demonstrations.

I am so very excited about it all, but it is starting to crush me!

Just today I have arranged two new pastel demonstrations: one at Forstall Art Center and one at the Hoover Public Library.
I still feel so funny that people are asking ME to do these things, paying ME to teach pastels! It is mind-boggling.

Today I hung my largest painting yet at Mountain Brook Presbyterian Church/Preschool and felt so warm as I saw how much everyone liked it.

I have several challenging commissions on my plate, where its even down to the desired expressions on the people's faces that I have to create for my clients.

I am so very overwhelmed that I am actually getting to do this for a career...that it is working...that it is so fulfilling and is so marvelous to be able to create things that draw out feelings, express emotions, capture thoughts.

How did I get so lucky!

I still feel like just a kid!

1 comment:

  1. Hate to say I told you so, but I TOLD YOU SO !!! Congratulations Mary Liz the artist =)
