The evidence:

So today, the next generation has joined our ranks:

We are so proud.
And, Mel, here is our Olde English conversation which is clogging up my phone. Using Dad as our reason for being so weird (love you Dad!) or not, it still begs the question: What is wrong with us?!?!?!!!??!?!? :)
Mel: "Pat is ignoring my chatter, and a friend said I should speak to him in olde english the rest of the night...hahahahaha"
Me: "What be thou address numerals? I knowest well the code of zip but hast forgot the rest"
Mel: "Streams of water escapeth me eyes. This I cannot halt. Disgruntled are those surrounding this person. Ohh how I longeth for time with my beloved sister. When shall I be graced with thou presence!??
Me: "I cannot bear such humor! How my breath doth also escape me! methinks my libations maketh me a trifle to merry! Ah, if only I were with thee what mayhem we would make?! In but a weeks time, fear not dear sibling. My fingers doth protest at my disgraceful abilities upon this miniscule machine."
Me: "I cannot still this new speech. It pours forth like the fountains of wine from which we partake. Oh dread...I find myself thinking in such verbosity though quite alone...I fear the permanence of such dialects."
Mel: "i hath not felt so much cheer in many changes in the seasons. Oh how thou hast restored laughter in my heart..."
Me: "I have just let a gutteral laugh escape my girlish mouth, akin to a man with a robust middle...I fear I may wake the sleeping babes with my frivolity?!?!"
Mel: "how dost they sleep through such laughter? I musn't stir to hastily...insects are stirring as though my flesh is but a stream of honey"
Mel: "woe is me...I wish to retire to my abode. Locked into this hellish weather, I must stay as this entertainment doth continue..."
Me: "Yea it will continue for many more bites of the mosquito and loathsome flying intrusions. But take heart! Thou lodgings are but a jog away?!?!!"
Unfortunately, it didn't stop there....days later I receive another text from my Olde English sibling:
Mel: "Dearest sister, I pray this letter finds you well. I am to board the strangest of contraptions. Hast thou heard before of an aeroplane?? It shall deliver me to a destination shortly. My heart overfloweth with the joys and anticipations of our travels."
Me: "Of such a strange innovation I have heard tale! In truth I have witnessed this mythical metal beast but this very morn. I write you with all warmth of eager expectation of your long awaited arrival"
So ends the tribute to my singular sister, whom I cherish with all love and doth hope with all my being to see again in the quickest of days.
something wrong with us, dear sister? I do think not!!!?!