oh yes, the dress up box.
My family will know exactly what I'm talking about. Little costumes picked up during childhood and adolescence (or so I claim) that I just couldn't part with...a tinkerbell costume (grown up size), clown nose, purple cape, elf shoes (?). I took the box down and called in MC, knowing she would love to inherit some of this nostalgic loot. Of course, dressing up ensued. As we put on giant hats, angel halos, some killer teal and yellow clip-on earrings (kept of course), and some sticky, old and very bright red lipstick, I tossed out the junk (note: some of this is not considered junk?) and Mary Clare magpied a few items. I hit a bit of a snag, though. I mean, how can you part with such a marvelous wig and moustache ensemble, especially when it brings to mind me dressed as Sonny Bono!? And Lip-synching "I Got You Babe"? Ah, the memories...
To be fair, some of the retained items are actually Stephen's dress-up box additions: Thai kickboxing shorts and a very un...I mean attractive 70s outfit. So fortunately (or unfortunately?) it is not just me with this weird collection.
Take that Stephen.
And I don't know who that crazy guy is in this picture.
Ohhh I do understand the "dress up". Do you remember a VERY elegant time with Mellie's black prom dress...uhmmm the black glove MC has on look very familiar. Did you keep most of it?