When you pulled it, he would say things like "I live on Sesame Street," etc.
Well, Big Bird was loved, his cord pulled A LOT, and he went a little funny.
He was known to say (and we can hear it perfectly in our minds to this day; sorry you're missing out!) "I live on Sellll..same street" and, "Want some burrrrrrd seeeeed?"
So I ask you, "Want some burrrrd seeed?"

Because apparently this is something I am good at growing...by accident.
My real garden has been spontaneously (and frighteningly fast, I might add) overtaken by morning glory. At least the one thing that grows in there will be pretty! I do still have a few squirrelly tomato and bell pepper plants, 3 carrots and some herbs. You can't win 'em all, I suppose! I'll try again in the fall and see how winter veggies grow in my patch. Good thing we don't depend on my skills (or lack there of) for sustenance.
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