There is a man (really a couple of different men and a woman who alternate) who sits next to the ramp from Hwy 280 to Lakeshore Drive. He holds a sign and waits, rain or shine. We take that exit each day after preschool and see him there. Mary Clare has asked what he's doing and knows he is homeless and needs help. We have given him what little cash or coins we have, but seem to always end up with a green light or in the wrong lane to offer anything. But Sunday after a meeting, while Stephen was at work, we passed the man again and the kids and I decided to pack a bag of food to give to him. The kids were so pumped about it and got to work right when we got home. Almost entirely on their own, they packed a bag full of things they thought would make him happy...goldfish, fruity pebbles, dried cherries, oreos, cokes, magazines, a piece of chalk in case he wants to draw, a pad of paper and a colorful pencil in case he wants to write something, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, deoderant, washcloth (toiletries which Patrick so carefully placed in a ziploc bag for the "little man" as he called him), a (clean) pair of filched socks from Dad's drawer, a cheerio and teddy graham plastic container in case he wants to save some things, and a few other items. The bag was finished with some pictures. The exact words are better than my retelling: Mary Clare said "I think I'll draw him a monkey because monkeys are silly and they make you laugh, and if you laugh you feel happy. Mom, would it be okay to draw a heart and write 'I'm sorry you don't have a house?'"
It's hard to think of anything to say after that. We are so proud of the compassion that has grown in their little hearts...and that they are able to share it in a real and tangible way even though they are only 2 and 4 years old. I felt myself receding into the background as they worked away, on their own initiative and with their own sweet ideas of what someone without a house might like to have; an onlooker torn between smiles and tears. Their little hands taught me a lot and the picture above sums it all up for me.
This is what I feel "church" should, meeting needs, restoring humanity in ways big and small. It doesn't have to take a lot of preplanning and structure...just compassion, love, and action. It doesn't take a lot of searching and waiting to grow up...just simplicity, honesty and kindness. When we gave the man the bag after school yesterday, we asked him if there was anything else he needs that we could get for him (MC was worried he needed a pillow and blanket, so I told her I'd ask before we took it). He said "I'm just trying to get food and enough money for a hotel room. This helps so much!" Simple needs. People worry so much about what "homeless people" will do with the money they offer, so they don't offer...the man just wants a place to sleep and something to eat. Instead of worrying so much over taking action, we just need to help however we can.
We will now always have a bag full of food, necessities and a few happies in our car so we'll be ready to help, just like MC says.
Proud of you and your wonderful family ! I need to put some goody bags in my car too.
ReplyDeleteLove all of you very much !